Health and Fitness Hub

Food That Can Ruin your Weight Loss Goals


There are literally hundreds of products right now that are available in stores that claim to be weight loss products. While there are indeed some products that are in fact effective, there are also some things that you should simply avoid and not buy at all. This is because you will just be wasting your money on them as you find out later on that they actually just ruined your diet. A healthy and natural diet is still the best way to go, when it comes to achieving real results so that you can have the body of your dreams. Below are some of the products that you should watch out for.

1.       Aspartame and artificial sugars

          These things can definitely be good for you if you are diabetic as they will help maintain your blood sugar levels. However, if you are trying to lose weight, you should probably avoid this as well. Aspartame is actually known to cause bloating. This means that you will not be able to let go of your water weight, and you will still look a bit puffy if you take in too much of this product.

2.       Foods that are labeled light

Yes the light label does mean that it comes with lesser fat, and lesser calories. If you think about it carefully though, it does still come with fat, and substantial amounts of calories. If you are going to be on a strict diet, you should not yourself be fooled with these types of labels. It has actually been shown in research that people who eat these types of food tend to eat more, because they think that they shouldn’t feel guilty anymore when it comes to eating these food. What’s bad is that these are usually chips, mayonnaise, or products that are high in fat that are being marketed this way.